Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weight Loss & Fitness Challenge: Week 3

Third week and one more kilo down! I have reached my first 5kg milestone and I'm so proud. Now for the next 5 !

Still no chocolate cravings or cravings of any other kind. I'm even enjoying exercising. Who are you and what have you done with Gerlinde? Thanks for getting rid of her and make sure she stays away.

As mom is overseas Dad came over for lunch today. I made French style macaroni au gratin (macaroni, lean bits of bacon, onion and grated emmentaler), salad (butter office and pine nuts) and drunk berries and ricotta dessert. Believe it or not, but I didn't even eat half my portion! It's unheard from me. My dad is so proud of me. And it makes me glad to make him proud.

I'm feeling really good and am in a great space. Woohoo! Bring on the rest of my life!

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