Monday, August 22, 2011

Food: 1 meelion vs. Me: 0

After a weekend of festivities, I gingerly stepped on my scale this morning and went to hide under my duvet with shame. Eish!

Weight needs to be lost! Like 30kg. I'm not kidding. That's how much I put on since I started university, and even then I wasn't super slinky. I just want to be healthy again. I would like to drop down one top size, back to ye good old 34, and not have rolls of blubber frolicking around my midriff. I would like to fit into a size 36-38 pants again, not an abominable 42.

Just by looking at the number you can guess that there is quite a discrepancy between my waist and my backside. 4 sizes difference! Yup. All my weight sits on my thunder thighs. I have never had a 90's - 00's fashionable shape. I'm more a busty, tiny waisted, hippy kinda girl. 50's style rock on me. Corsets rock even more. The waif-android look engendered by gay fashion designers is just not me and never will be me. (I have a whole rant about this and it will get blogged).

So have a backside and I have come to accept it over the years. With famous ladies like Beyonce and Kim Kardashian, the bootylicious booty has come back in vogue. Thank goodness! But the thunder thighs, not so much. They need to go!

Now I've done tons of diets. From Low Fat No Carb to WeighLess. It works for a while, then I somehow fall off the bandwagon.

From my therapy sessions it would seem that my food issues probably stem from early infancy, ad that I've eneded up associating food with validation. My lonely teenage years coincide with my weight gain.
  • Few friends at school, eat food, feel better.
  • Lack of romance at university, eat food, feel better.
  • Unhappiness at work, eat food feel better.
Have you spotted the vicious circle yet?

I have no excuse now. I'm starting a new job and I have great friends. So I shouldn't be eating all the things I know are bad for me. I can see getting over food will take a while.

It is imperative that I loose the weight, not only for my physical well-being, but also for my emotional well-being. I plan on taking my time shifting the darn kgs. Something like 2kg a month isn't too hectic. I hope. That would mean it will take me 15 months to shift the weight.

So today I started (why do we always start things on a Monday?). Yummi strawberries, blueberries, a bit of muesli and yogurt for breakfast. Lunch at the canteen offered butternut soup with health bread. I was debating between that and a haloumi salad. I should have had the salad. The soup was yuck! and I didn't even eat half of it. Of course by the time 3 O'clock rocked up my stomach was growling and the canteen closed. Only the coffee bar was open and all they had were chips.

See! Sabotaged on day one already!

At least the GingaNinja is home early tonight and we're having chicken wraps, with tomato, lettuce, avo, mushrooms and other good things. Hmmm...Leftovers...

Of course, all the chocolates I've been given for my birthday are already planning my downfall. I will have to put them out of sight.

I also need to start doing some form of cardio-exercise. Time to get quotes for gym memberships, even though I don't enjoy the gym. Sigh...

No cheating girl. The journey from 94 to 65 starts NOW!

I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Wish me luck and support!

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